Working For You.

My single focus is to work hard on your behalf and deliver outcomes. Since being elected as the Member for Manly in 2017, I have worked hard to be a strong representative of the electorate.

I have spoken in Parliament, on behalf of local constituents, hundreds of times.

Projects and Issues

News And Media

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Major changes to northern beaches schools include upgrade works at balgowlah boys

Major changes to northern beaches schools include upgrade works at balgowlah boys

February 13, 2025

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Community to retain ownership of former manly hospital site as progress continues

Community to retain ownership of former manly hospital site as progress continues

February 13, 2025

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Funding for manly community groups

Funding for manly community groups

February 13, 2025

Pedestrian Crossing at Pittwater Road, North Manly

I hold serious concerns over the lack of a safe pedestrian crossings or refuge along Pittwater Road in North Manly between Western Avenue and Hillcrest Place. This 1 kilometre stretch of road cuts through residential areas and borders Nolan’s Reserve playing fields which regularly hosts school sporting events.


Since my site visit in September 2023, I have met with residents who share these concerns and have held numerous meetings with representatives from Transport for NSW (TfNSW).
Following consistent lobbying efforts, TfNSW have now acknowledged not just the need for a safe option to cross Pittwater Road but have also confirmed that funding has been made available for this specific project. The stretch road has now been nominated by TfNSW Officials as a project under the ‘Towards Zero’ (road fatalities) Program.

In summary, not only has TfNSW heard our calls and committed to the project, but we also know the funding to deliver it exists. The immediate next steps, as explained to me by TfNSW officials in late 2024, are to conduct the traffic assessment and consider design options. Following that, they will seek community feedback on the designs and look to begin construction in 2025. I thank residents, particularly of Nenagh Street, for their advocacy on this matter, and for bringing the issue to my attention so I could effectively advocate for a solution.

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